Here's something to smoke a long fat one to What if? Everyone who helps us in life, God has sent them to help us and everyone who goes against us/crosses us in life, God has done that Every woman we've ever slept with, it was because God wanted her to and every woman who p*ssed us off, its because God wanted to piss us off Every boss that gave us a bonus, it was because God wanted us to have the $$$ and every crooked, thieving, lying, POS boss who stole from us, well that's because God wanted to royally f*** us over Every time we scored the winning touchdown against the opposing team, its because God wanted us to and every time we lost, well it's because God wanted us to feel like a total piece of s*** loser and finally if you ever won the Lotto (yes, you reading this) it's because God wanted you to be dirty, filthy stinking rich... ...and spend it all on women, booze, drugs and yes betting on sports and paramutuals :THE END: xhardc0re's Dad (a man)
I think that's what takes the thinking auslander, I was not sure either. I was all ready to do some serious thinking too! ^ ^ >.< Now...the horses arse article. Those people were thinking...
what if we are just a computer program like in the matrix??? what if god is a big fat guy sitting at a super computer playing the sims with us????
If that's what's up I need that mad scientist dude to come build my power plant with me! And...Since we have the instant hair thing. I'd like mine pink.
to me, those seem more like conclusions as the results of questions than questions that lead to conclusions.
@auslander they are question my and a m8 use to wonder when we were smoking weed a few years ago @kitty66 its called hair dye you can get it at a chemist or hair shop and it will make your hair pink.i had a purple mohawk back in 1998 from hair dye.
like my sig then, do ya? xbox: yar, that's what i guessed. i'm not knocking questions, i just supposed that a lot of the questions so far are more like the ones that end a thought process, not start one.
OK, yes, I know about dye. But it is a stinky icky process and if we are all one big sim, then I want instant virtual gratification. My husband's hair is smurf blue the hard way. @auslander - heck yeah I like your sig. Good hair color! Mine is pink off and on, but I got tired of doing it all the time.
thankies. i made 3 or 4 versions and posted them in my profile before picking that one. i'll go with shock-white hair for the Vicious-from-Cowboy-Bebop look.
well im not sure wtf i did to god but the bills lost 4 in a row, the sabres lost the cup on a goal that shouldn't have been. the only thinking i came up with is that god can pretty much kiss my frk'n ass.
we are not discussing religion we are discussing philosophical questions.we have not discribed god whether we are talking about god/mohammed/alanis morrisett(god in dogma)/allah.we are asking life questions.
@auslander - Hair color being one of those heavy philosophical issues...I would have to say in the Cowboy Bebop genre (Watanabe RULES!) I would have to go with the Faye Purple. PS. I never knew a wolf that could purr like a walrus!