Does anyone know of a software package that will let my wife take a picture and age the person that is in it? She has a son that died before we were married and wants to see what he would look like today. Thanks
Thanks joschez, I've tried a few diff progs but just can't seem to figure it out. I was hoping to find a prog like what you see on tv. one or two clicks type thing.
Couple of problems: 1) Aging photos is an objective process. It is very difficult to predict. 2) Aging photos takes a lot of research. For instance, the artist would ideally need photos of close relatives, parents, grand parents, etc., to predict how the individual might 'age' 3) Finally -- no one likes to take the responsibility. Face it, there's a lot of emotion involved when a loved one passes away. It is difficult for any artist to take the somber responsibility of saying: "Here's what they would look like today." And, then take the disappointments that will come later if the client is not happy with the results. No, there is no software that does this beyond the proprietary software used in crime labs to build suspect photos. That software is very expensive.
i have a photoshop guide book that shows you how to age somebody. i will scan it in for you this week sometime. the results were pretty realistic to say the least