
Discussion in 'iPod discussion' started by tsany, Apr 21, 2007.

  1. tsany

    tsany Guest me. i want to put photos from my friend computer into my 30 g ipod.but the sign tell me to syncronis. what that mean,and why all my latest (which i put it from my comp) photo are gone.are rockbox can destroy my ipod,
  2. jazo132

    jazo132 Guest

    Can you please type a little clearer? This way we can help you with your problem easier. ;-)
  3. tsany

    tsany Guest

    how to put photos to my ipod (30g).can i put photos from different PC into my ipod?
  4. jazo132

    jazo132 Guest

    Oh okay I see what you mean. When you plug the iPod in, DO NOT syncronize, or else your iPod will be updated with your friend's music. Once it is plugged in and you pressed do not sync, (or whatever the option says, I forget), set the iPod to manually update and then set it to update the pictures from a specific folder on your friend's computer.

    Note: When you want to update with your home computer it will delete all the photos and update with the photos you chose on your computer.

    Hope this helped.
  5. mepsgirl

    mepsgirl Member

    May 1, 2007
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    I need to know how to make my pictures clearer on my ipod.... is there a program I can use.. Basically they are clear when i have them on my pc then when I sync my ipod and put them on there they get all yucky and I can see pixals and stuff... Is there anyway I can fix this???? Any help would be appreciated. Also my ipod seems to pick and choose which pics out of my assigned folders to put on ipod.. like if I have a folder names cute pics it will choose some of the pictures to put on there but not all of them.. How can I fix that.... ??? thank you
  6. jazo132

    jazo132 Guest

    What format are the pictures in?
  7. mepsgirl

    mepsgirl Member

    May 1, 2007
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    they all are in jpeg......
  8. jazo132

    jazo132 Guest

    If they are clear on your computer they should be fairly clear on the iPod. Is everything else on the iPod a little blurry? I.E. Album Art, etc.?

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