I have been trying to install PhotoShop CS3 for 3 days now. It keeps telling me to close Internet Explorer. However, my internet explorer isn't open. I checked the task manager and the only thing it says is running is PhotoShop setup. I have tryed everything. I really need help please.Any help would be great.
I know what you are saying. I use Firefox and it has a problem with that as well. Another problem - plenty of people have had major issues with the uninstall and reinstall of CS3 products. I don't know if there is a program that will help in monitoring the install process so you can reinstall but you might want to look into one (if they exist). You will probably want to download Microsoft Windows Installer Cleanup utility and Adobe's WinCS3 Clean utility. If all else fails you can try to install in SAFE MODE. I had to update that way. As far as I can tell CS3 is getting a reputation for being difficult. Has Photoshop installed anything on your computer yet? (like Bonjour).