i've been using PSE2 for ages..and heaps this past few days. anyways, i downloaded a plug in called AV Bros Page Curl 1.2 and installed it, tested it. PSE2 worked fine. then i had to restart the pc coz its been playing up for a while. when i restarted i tried to start PSE2 and it says "Unable to continue because of hardware or system error. Sorry, but this error is unrecoverable." and then it shuts down PSE2. i restarted, reinstalled and still the same. i went to the website and they have the error listed as something that happens when you install XP over an existing windows os, which i havent done as the pc came with XP Home Edition already installed. their soloution is to reinstall xp. has anyone had - and fixed - this problem without reinstalling XP?
uninstall elements 2, remove all links of it in programs & registry, run ccleaner, defrag the hd than reinstall elements 2. i do this routine when having problems loading office 2k