Niin kertoisko joku mitä eroa on Adobe Photoshop:illa ja Adobe Photoshop Elementsillä ? Kiitoksia etukäteen Lyhyesti Elementsistä puuttuvat, CS3:ssa olevat työkalut: * CMYK and LAB color modes * More tools and features that work with high-bit (16-bit and 32-bit) images * Combine multiple exposures to create high dynamic range (HDR) images * Channels Palette * Recording custom Actions (for batch processing) * Adjustments: Color Balance, Match Color * Layer Masks, Layer Comps, and Quick Mask mode * Smart Objects, Smart Guides * Lens Blur Filter * Vanishing Point Tool * Pen tool and paths palette * Some adjustment layers (curves, color balance, selective color, channel mixer) * Editing History Log * Text on a path, advanced text formatting * Advanced Layer Style manipulation * Advanced Color Management * Advanced Web features (rollovers, slicing) * Customizable tool presets, keyboard shortcuts, and menus * In the features and tools that are shared, the Photoshop version usually offers more advanced options for fine tuning and control.