Hey im burnign some mvoies ive downlaoded from the net, and im using convertxtodvd and jsut recently my dvd's have been coming out fine except they're cut off on the sides a bit. So im missing some of the picture???
Change your aspect ratio. Add your AVI files, Open up the Options Menu, and click on the TV Format tab. Under TV Screen: Setting it to 4:3, if you've got a non-Wide Screen TV will stretch the video to the edges of your TV but will usually cut out a portion of the sides as the aspect borders of 4:3 are wider than they are longer. Setting it to 16:9 will stretch your video to the edges of your TV with no video loss if you've got a Widescreen TV. If you don't then it will center and shrink the image slightly to display the entire uncut video, but will give you that "letterbox" appearance. It's a matter of personal taste and preference really.
If your are comparing what you see on your computer monitor vs. your TV, that's normal. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overscan
Ok Thanks guys. Do you think automatic is the best setting because the dvd will be played on both widescreen and non-widescreen tv's?
Automatic is the correct choice, it has nothing to do with your TV being either 4:3 or 16:9. It has to do with the source file's AR.