Pikanäppäin kansion luomiseen?

Discussion in 'Windows -ongelmat' started by Rockie, Nov 14, 2004.

  1. Rockie

    Rockie Guest


    Onko Windows XP Homessa pikanäppäintä uuden kansion luomiseen? Sellainen olisi tosi kätevä tietää. Kiitos avusta jo etukäteen.
  2. Agent_007

    Agent_007 Senior member

    May 5, 2003
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    ALT+F W F
    joka tosin ei hirveän pikainen ole ja toimii vain tiedostoselaimessa.
  3. juhtu

    juhtu Member

    Nov 6, 2004
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    Tuollapa on pikanäppäinkometoja

    [winkey]+pause = järjestelmäominaisuudet
    [winkey] + M = Työpöytä
    [winkey] + D = Työpöytä/sovellus peräkkäisillä
    [winkey] + L = Työpöydän lukitus ja vapautus [CTRL+ALT DELETE].
    [winkey] + F = Haku.
    [winkey] + R = käynnistä

  4. Rockie

    Rockie Guest

    Jep, mutta ei löydy miten saa sen uuden kansion luotuu...
  5. juhtu

    juhtu Member

    Nov 6, 2004
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    Painappa F1-työpöydällä ja anna hakusanaksi joko shortcut keys tai pikanäppäimet. Voit tehdä itse haluamasi toiminnat pikanäppäimen alle:)

    Alla englanninkielisen version helppi-joko nyt onnistuisi...

    "To specify shortcut keys for specific programs
    Before beginning this procedure, please refer to the documentation that came with the program to verify a shortcut was installed.

    Open My Computer.
    Locate the program file (.exe) or the program's shortcut icon. Right-click the program file or shortcut, and then click Properties.
    Click the Program tab for an MS-DOS program or the Shortcut tab for a Windows program.
    With the cursor in the Shortcut key box, select the keyboard key you want to use in combination with CTRL+ALT. Shortcut keys automatically start with CTRL+ALT. The Shortcut key box will display None until you select the key and then the box will display Ctrl+Alt+the key you selected. You cannot use the ESC, ENTER, TAB, SPACEBAR, PRINT SCREEN, SHIFT, or BACKSPACE keys.

    To open My Computer, double-click the My Computer icon on the desktop.
    Once you assign a shortcut key combination for a specific program, you will not be able to use that key combination with other programs. For a list of shortcut keys used by this version of Windows, click Related Topics.
    If you forget the key combination for your shortcut, you can follow steps 2 through 3 and review your shortcut keys.
    Using shortcut keys to open programs can often be simpler than opening programs using a pointing device, especially when working on portable computers."

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