I found this searching for DVD Media the site looks Legit [bold]http://www.neogames.co.uk/product.php?xProd=151&xSec=1&jssCart=435830dda3dba66ca5bdb7159d8992e9[/bold]
Looks like a good price, go for it i say. Yu know you can get a DVR106 for £130 though, id still go for the 105
I know the 106 is meant to be poor at copying + discs i think i'll go for this. Give you guys feed back when it comes
Its not that its overly poor at it, just picky. It basically a -R writer, with a +R facility. Same as the Sony's are +R writers, with -R facilities. Yeah, give us your feedback on it ;-)
Just thought I'd add the Futureshop here in Canada has this drive on for $199 after rebate. That works out to about £91 or $142 US. If anybody is buying from Futureshop, one bit of info I'd recommend is to hang onto your receipts until you receive your rebate. They are pretty good about sending them; just every once in a while they miss one, and ask you to send your info again. http://www.futureshop.ca/catalog/pr...&sku_id=0665000FS10031906&catid=&newdeptid=18