pioneer dvd-rom cant read dvd movie

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by srarslan, Feb 23, 2002.

  1. srarslan

    srarslan Guest

    i used to watch dvds but now it doesnt work as a dvd rom (exp: i ve got pearl harbor dvd that contains 2 dvd 1 .special features 2. movie. DVD rom reads the first one not the 2nd)i tried others nothing with the region
  2. dRD

    dRD I hate titles Staff Member

    Jun 10, 1999
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    Are you sure that your drive hasn't been permanently region locked and that you're using wrong region?

    If that's not the case, your disc is probably dirty, has scratches in it or something similiar.
  3. srarslan

    srarslan Guest

    thanx but i tried 4 different dvd s so nothing changed dvd rom eject s the dvd then i tried to updrade firmware to 2,02 then 2,06 region killer but one thing that kills me, how can i watch special features dvd but not movie what could have happened ? no scracthes with dvd !!!!
  4. dRD

    dRD I hate titles Staff Member

    Jun 10, 1999
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    Special features DVD probably doesn't have region code in it, that's the thing. Download region info tool or something similiar to see if your drive is locked (RPC-2). I'm almost certain that it is the case.
  5. srarslan

    srarslan Guest

    i know i did that with dvd genie region code is 2 but with a new firmware i solved that problem now its multi- region useless dvd rom!! what can cause a dvd rom not to read a dvd i mean my player ejects a cd if its empty now ejects dvd s too . some times i watch vcd s does this can cause something , using different colour media(green,blue)? thanx for reply
  6. srarslan

    srarslan Guest

    hello i find what is the problem my dvd is working with dvds which has got a & b sides. i think they are old style dvd maybe different writing method what else ,but i watched two dvds with no problem ! please reply soon to solve my problem. thanx

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