Hi guys can anyone help, my dvd writer has been fine until now i am getting the message: I/O Error! Device:[0:1:0]PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-110D 1.41(D(ATA) ScsStatus: 00x02 Interpertation: Check Condition CDB: 25 00 00 00 01 19 00 00 01 00 Interpretation:Read(10)-Sector:281 Sense Area: 70 00 02 00 00 00 00 0E 00 00 00 00 04 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 05 Interpretation:Logical Unit is in process of becoming ready
A little more info would be helpfull, what are you trying to do. If you are using Nero then post the full log, located here Nero 6 history log location: Program Files>Ahead>Nero>NeroHistory.txt Nero 7 history log location: Program Files>Nero>Nero 7>Core>NeroHistory
What programs do you use to burn with and what are you burning a movie? what blanks are you using? this would help
My apologies i am new to these forums, first i am using imgburn to burn a back up of a dvd and i am using traxdata dvd-r 8x made by ritek full face dvds. when i start imgburn up it will get to the lead in, and thats when the error message comes up. hope this is more helpful
This might be the problem, have u tried Verbatims, or TYs. If u current firmware is up to date then ur burner might not like the disks u r using. Is this same error happenning with every disk? Try and use another Burning Program to see if u get the same error, if u do then it is probably the disks.
Could be your are being blocked there not many movies out there that you can backkup without using a combo of programs to rip, clean and shrink to get the job done if it't a new movie count on it. untill you get the hang of it switch to Verbatim DVDRs that will take the bad media out of your problem then check out the guides on what programs that work . Like ANYDVD,Dvd Shrink,Dvd Decrypter,Imageburn,Ripit4me and FixVTS they are some of best ones
thank you for all your help i will try verbatims and see if that works it is only imgburn that is the problem though maybe its that that has the problem with my current dvdrs merry crimbo
I switched back to DVD Decrypter. I was able to burn some movies with Imageburn but I started getting errors. With good DVD Decrpter it just eats them up!