Which one should i buy. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16827129007 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16827106055 Im going to buy the one that gets the most votes Thanks to all that take part in this. and feel free to add any comments as well.
I personally have always bought nothing but Plextor - period! But this time I bought the Lite-On model you have linked - except mine was the retail version (LH-20A1H-186). I think this is a great burner. Not familiar with Pioneer burners but I posted a couple of links when my Plextor started giving me issues after 3-years of heavy use and I was convinced to go with the Lite-on over anything else including the new TurboPlex PX-800A. Alot of the regulars on here like the Lite-On and I cannot say I am disappointed. I usually use Ridata/Ritec disc from newegg and I burned three movies at 16X just to see what happened and they are flawless. I even bought some lightscribe Verbatim from newegg and the lightscribe was pretty cool and the disc burned flawless. Just my two cents.
i too have bought that same lite-on burner, and it works very good. i have used pioneers for the past 3 years and have no problems with them at all. the one thing is that pioneers aren't capable of bitsetting(unless you use a buffalo firmware) IMO you cant go wrong with either of these drives.
I've got the SATA version of the Lite-On and a Pioneer DVR-111 installed in my PC and both burn equally well. I bought the Lite-On for it's SATA interface, bitsetting and LightScribe. I notice the Lite-On is slightly quieter than the Pioneer, but that's probably due to where it's mounted in the computer case, 3rd from the top. The Pioneer is the top drive. I'd get the Lite-On because it has the extra features.
ok thanks everybody i went with the lite-on. newegg has a special combo sale with it. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ...&SubCategory=5&SortField=0&PageSize=10&page=1 you get the drive and a 50 pack of Ridata discs for $42 pretty good i think. and it has a bit more features than the pioneer (booktyping without flashing, and lightscribe) and to orion6192 i too have had plextor drives in the past i really liked them. the 712 and 716 were really good drives. and the 740 which is a repackaged Benq is one of the best.but they are really hard to find now. i could only find the 760 and its $99 hmmm.. maybe on my next computer if its still around
Good choice. Pioneers don't book type. They are okay, otherwise, but not being able to book type, rules them out of anymore purchases from me.