Hello People of this thread and topic. As we all know it, pirating software, films, music or anything else that is pirate possible is illegal. I don't want to get on any of your nerves I just want to make it clear. But that having been said, there are still many of us who do commit this crime. Some pirates are quiet. They do what they have to do, they pass on information in exchange for more information, they get copies of software, films, or music that they shouldn't have, seeing that they haven't bought an original, but there is one thing they don't do: brag on about piracy!!! Those who keep arguing on whether they should be recognised as pirates or not, or, those who just make plain and simple statements on the rules against piracy in order to brag at how good they are at hiding their game don't actually hide their game very well at all. And as for the idiot who stated: [bold]thanks god you've finaly shut up u r one cranky git i bet you use to get bullied in school. u faggott i aint got time for geeks like u. get a life[/bold] Please realise that stealing is not cool and trust me bullying aint cool either. If you have to steal don't brag about it quite simply cuz u didn't earn it. Use it, abuse it... but let me break it through that head of yours... not even your mother gives a flying pig's fusk about the fact that you got: a new computer game (unless she plays them (which actually means that the fact that you have the game doesn't make you look cooler but your mum just wants the game if it is in her interest)), a scooter, a car, etc., etc. Your only real success will be in what you earn. You will feel ten times better when you worked a week to get that mp3 player, or a year to get a new PC, whatever takes your pleasure! If you steal... keep it on the down low cuz bragin on about it will make what goes around come back around twice as fast!!! PS. U are a nerd oggi526 because a nerd is someone who knows alot about computers and spends alot of time with them and please don't tell me you don't because otherwise we wouldn't see so many answers come back from you so quickly. Thank you for you patience. If you already new all this... Sorry for wastin ur time!!!
Very well said _X_X_X_X_X_[small]ASUS A7N8X-X, XP2500+ OC'd to XP3200+ Samsung 1024MB, PC2700 OC'd to PC3200 480GB [3x160GB, 7200, 8MB] EVGA, GeForce4 Ti4600 128MB Rules and Policies: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/2487[/small]