I have recently converted some divx files to mpeg 2 and made a dvd from it. It plays fine in the standalone DVD player(Pionner 344) but every 5 mins or so it freezes. I press stop and then play again and it works fine. It is just frustating to have to keep doing it all the time Any suggestions? Thanks
What brand and media code are your blank discs? Use this free proggy to determine media code.http://dvd.identifier.cdfreaks.com/
Ritek )5 I believe - I had converted it using VSO DVixtoDVD but have now tried AVI2DVD and it seems better (need to sort out audio though)
Branded ritek ridata's are usually good budget media, but if you don't get the problem ironed out with software try some verbatum's (azo dye), genuine taiyo yudens, maxell's, fuji or sony's. Maybe try slowin burn speed to 4x or slower if not already. Poor quality media is #1 cause of freezing and pixelation. #2 cause is burning too fast. Mort