Hi, I'm looking for some help. I burned a movie I had on my computer's hard drive onto a Fuji Film DVD-R blank disc using Nero 6. I tested it out on my computer's DVD drive after it finished burning and it played perfectly. But then I took it over to My DVD Recorder (Panasonic DMR-HS2) and it didn't play! a "U 11" error came up when it tried to read it. I guess it just couldnt read or recognize anything. What did I do wrong? These are the steps I took. I have the movie on my computer's hard drive. I use TMPGenc to encode the video to make a .m2v file which takes almost 20 hours. Then I separately encode the audio with Virtual Dub to make a .wav file. Then I re-encode the .wav file using TMPGenc and create a .mp2 file. Then I use Ifoedit to author it and Nero6 to burn it. The Panasonic DVD Recorder(DMR-HS2) is supposed to play back DVD-R discs, so why didn't it play this one? Does anyone know what went wrong here and what I should do? I even tried TDK and Optimum DVD-R's and had the same problem. They played in my computer DVD drive but not in my stand alone Panasonic DVD Recorder. Please help. Thanks!
Thanks. I checked. But its pretty simple. It's a DVD-R/DVD-RAM machine and I used 3 different DVD-R blanks (TDK,Fuji,Optimium) all had the same results - The Machine didn't read them. So I don't know if it has to do with the the blank dvds. Could it be something in my whole encoding/authoring/burning process? Maybe it doesn't like Nero??? What I don't understand is why my computer DVD-R burner is reading the burned dvd-r perfectly but my standalone DVD-R isn't! please advice.
It could be that your player doesn't like Nero, my players don't. (Apparently DVDs burned via the Nero Wizard are particularly non-compatible.) Download the free trial of RecordNow MAX and follow this guide: http://www.chrismccann.co.uk/recordnowmax.htm No guarantees, but its worth a try....
Use ac3 machine and besweet to make dolby digital surround instead of mp2. Alot of dvd players won't play mp2. Takes an extra hour but it's worth it.
Hi, guys. I tried IfoEdit 0.95 and the DVD's created by that program doesn't work on my PS2(I use Nero,RecordMax,Easy CD DVD Creator, none all them works to burn the DVD), but if i use the DVD X Copy Xpress the DVD's are Working. What happen? The IfoEdit don't is compatible with the PS2. PLEASE HELP, because i need to make a image with nero and mount in a virtual drive and use DVD X Copy to the DVD's works on PS2!! Thanks in advance.
I've fought this mess until I was ready to skip the whole back-up concept. Now I use exclusively Shrink 3, followed by burning with Instant Copy (available a lot of places for free after rebate!). I use only the 1-4x blank discs (I use Fry's store brand). I never have a problem with playback on my computers, Toshiba, and Pioneer. My kids borrow and playback on Samsung, Sony, & Toshiba. Read Orphius for outstanding info, especially on Reauthoring which allows 2 DVDs onto 1 disk! Every time I deviate from the above, problems seem to arise!