player wont play my burned dvd

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by bemis33, Jul 31, 2004.

  1. bemis33

    bemis33 Guest

    my sony dvp ns315 wont play my dvd just burned with dvd shrink 3.2 and dvd decrypter

    please help and let me know what to do im a newbie at this stuff oh and media im using is prodisc 4x dvd-r
  2. Whitfield

    Whitfield Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    Does the burned DVD that you made play OK in your computer? If so, then maybe your DVD player is not able to play burned copies--I have had that problem-ie. My ned DVD's work well in most DVD players but not all.
  3. colw

    colw Active member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    Most likely to be due to the use of poor quality media - prodisk not renowned for consistency and quality.

    With the limited information you have provided, it is difficult to supply a more detailed response.

    Other useful information you could provide include:
    1. Your operating system (e.g., Win Xp, Win98 etc.)
    2. Memory (RAM)
    3. Hard disc size and free space available.
    4. Whether you are attempting playback on your computer or a standalone system.
    5. File mode you are using for burning - ISO or VTS.

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