my sony dvp ns315 wont play my dvd just burned with dvd shrink 3.2 and dvd decrypter please help and let me know what to do im a newbie at this stuff oh and media im using is prodisc 4x dvd-r
Does the burned DVD that you made play OK in your computer? If so, then maybe your DVD player is not able to play burned copies--I have had that problem-ie. My ned DVD's work well in most DVD players but not all.
Most likely to be due to the use of poor quality media - prodisk not renowned for consistency and quality. With the limited information you have provided, it is difficult to supply a more detailed response. Other useful information you could provide include: 1. Your operating system (e.g., Win Xp, Win98 etc.) 2. Memory (RAM) 3. Hard disc size and free space available. 4. Whether you are attempting playback on your computer or a standalone system. 5. File mode you are using for burning - ISO or VTS.