DVD Fab has new program for ripping HD movies. Can I rip the HD movie through my regular dvd drive and play it back on my HD tv through my tv tuner connected to my computer and get HD quality??
error5 is correct, with the recently announced price drops on the Toshiba a2, invest the money in that player, instead of going thru the hassle with running cables via. computer to tv
got it. My whole purpose for now since there are on blank medias available to burn HD dvds was to rip HD movies(non protected) into my 500GB hard drive and simply play them back on my TV. So now, if I buy HD dvd drive for my computer can I rip them into my hard drive and play it back on HD tv with the same quality??
You should be able to. I am not sure if there would be any copyright restrictions passed thru an analog cable, but I doubt it though. Example would be certain HD DVD's,you must have connected thru HDMI (again because of copyright protection)in order for playback, but these should be far and few between.