playing movies divx to tv

Discussion in 'DivX / XviD' started by dograni, Jul 24, 2003.

  1. dograni

    dograni Member

    Jul 24, 2003
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    Can someone help me I have no idea on how to play movies from pc to my tv. I'm running XP and use mplayer 9.
    What cables do I need and more importantly where do they go? Need help
  2. Drizzit

    Drizzit Guest

    Need to give the Spec's of your video card!

    It need's to have video out! Should be some instructions in the Manual, if your card is capable of video out on how to set it up and what cables you will need!

    Also you need a splitter for your sound card so your videos will have sound when played through your TV!

    It's different for every system and Tv set up, so you need to give more info! Like does your card have video out and what is the output S-video? What type of inputs are on your tv rca or s-video? Is your sound card PCI or onboard?

    Good luck!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 24, 2003
  3. dograni

    dograni Member

    Jul 24, 2003
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    My Graphics card is a Sparkle gforce4 mx 440 and it does have tv out the manual for this card is s*#t it says nothing about using the tv out function. Inputs on tv are rca and the sound card is onboard. I have a tv out cable(yellow) with rca jack at one end and s.vid the other also have an audio cable that goes into a speaker like socket and it has the red and white jacks at the other end.
  4. Drizzit

    Drizzit Guest

    Ok now we can start!

    There should have been an adapter that came with your video card that will support the S-video side of the cable and the yellow side will go to the Video1 (RCA) input on your TV!

    Sound cable take the jack side and hook it into the onboard audio where your desktop speakers are connected! The red/white rca jacks will connect to the video1(rca) input on the TV!

    After that is done go to your TV and turn your TV to Video1

    Now go back to your PC and
    Right Click on your desktop-
    click properties-
    then click on the tab with the name of your video card-
    on the left will pop up a new tab that has nView Desplay on it click that-
    then click clone and your TV should be present now click on the TV and make it the primary display
    click ok and start your movie it should be playing as long as you have the video1 selected at your TV!

    Hope this helps!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 24, 2003
  5. dograni

    dograni Member

    Jul 24, 2003
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    I will try this out thanks heaps if I have a problem I will write back.Thanks again.
  6. Drizzit

    Drizzit Guest

    No problem that's what these sites are for!

    Good luck!!!!!!!
  7. dograni

    dograni Member

    Jul 24, 2003
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    Worked a treat the vid has now been dubbed to VHS thanks again.
  8. Drizzit

    Drizzit Guest

    Glad to hear it worked!

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