Playing mp4s on a Daytek dvd player

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by chrisbird, Aug 25, 2007.

  1. chrisbird

    chrisbird Member

    Aug 25, 2007
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    Hi, I can't find any info anywhere, so I thought I'd ask for myself. I have a video Ipod and convert movies and download video in the .mp4 format. I had lent a DVD+R with 4-5 movies on it to a friend and they were fine on his PC. Yesterday he bought a daytek dvk-5003 dvd player and it says it supports mpeg4 on the box. When he put the disc I gave him in it only recognized and played 1 of the movies. I being curious burned a bunch of different mpeg4 movies on different discs and they all said incorrect disc when I tried to play them. Is there a certain way I should convert from .avi or the downloaded .mp4 formats or could it just be a crappy $40 dvd player? Thanks in advance for any replies,
  2. attar

    attar Senior member

    Jun 17, 2005
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    You could try GSpot to compare the working file to the non working.
    I have a cheap RCA player (it has a DivX certified sticker on it) that only mentions that the files must be less than 720x576.

    Drag the AVI on to GSpot
    Note the picture size (partly obscured here) and the codecs used.


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