Hi, I'd like to know if there are any playlist generators (for mp3 files) that can store the M3U files inside of the mp3 folders it scans? For instance - lets say I have a directory structure such as: [bold]Root Folder: > Album 001 > Album 002 > ALbum 003[/bold] and I want the software to create m3u files for each of the directories it finds mp3 files in and saves the m3u files INTO each subdirecotory i.e.: -------------------- [bold]Root Directory: > Album 001 >> Album 001 Playlist.m3u > Album 002 >> Album 002 Playlist.m3u > Album 003 >> Album 003 Playlist.m3u[/bold] and [bold]NOT[/bold] [bold]Root Directory: > Album 001 > Album 002 > Album 003 Album 001 Playlist.m3u Album 002 Playlist.m3u Album 003 Playlist.m3u [/bold] ----------- I hope this made sense .... I just simply want to save my playlists En Masse... THank you all ahead of time.
thank you for your reply. However, I have tried both and neither creates playlists as I have described above. All they do is create 1 playlist. I need a utility that searches for every subfolder and creates a playlist for each subfolder IN each subfolder. thanks again