Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Joriel, Nov 15, 2005.

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  1. Joriel

    Joriel Member

    Nov 15, 2005
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    Do you HATE Christmas shopping?

    I'll do it for you AND save you money.

    Hi there,

    I'm a female medical student with a closet love of internet shopping. In my spare time I look for deals and discounts on top-quality, brand name items ranging from clothing/jewelry and techie gadgets to sporting goods and home decor. My love of internet shopping is closely rivaled, however, by my commitment to saving money. Although there was never any financial need to save money when I was growing up, my mother always taught me to look for a deal.

    As an internet saavy adult shopper who would rather have a quality, well-made, item than a moderate-low quality item (regardless of the price) I have spent hours on end shopping for friends and family and simply "thinking" about extending my services to others. So now I'm taking the chance...

    If you hate shopping for your wife, daughter, girlfriend, mom, or anyone during the holidays (or anytime), I'm your answer. I will find the perfect items for your loved one's at HUGE discounts thereby saving you time, anguish and MONEY. Sounds good, right?

    So what's the catch?

    To be honest, there is no catch.

    Here's how it works:
    You contact me and tell me what you're looking for and for whom (and your budget) and I start searching, reading consumer reports and item reviews, and basicallylooking for the best items at the lowest prices. Period. Once I find one or more items for you I'll email you with prices, basic information about the item(s), and any other information that you would like. If you choose to purchase the item(s) that I have found I will provide you with the website address/store where the item can be purchased and you pay me a modest finder's fee. That's it.

    You tell me what you want. I find it. You buy it.

    Why spend the limited time that you have off shopping when I can do it for you? And really, who doesn't like to save money?

    If you're interested in saving time, anguish, and money this holiday season there is NO BETTER WAY to finish your shopping EARLY and rest on Christmas Eve.

    Please contact me at **removed**
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2005
  2. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    dont post emails, you cannot advertise here.

    if anyone wants this chic to shop for them just PM her.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2005
  3. Uhhhh

    Uhhhh Guest

    hhhmmmmmm..... why are you doing it for free?
  4. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    Then why would they have to pay you a modest finders fee? That's a catch btw :)

    And before you go on please read the forum rules.

    No multiposting.

    And since darthnip didn't shut you down ... let me just put out one disclaimer.

    Afterdawn is NOT responsible if you get ripped off.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2005
  5. Uhhhh

    Uhhhh Guest

    Holy crap I didn't even see that,
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