Just Bought a used Ipod that needed a new battery. It worked great this afternoon...if you count turning on and off. So I buy the $50 usb connector/charger and now the only thing that the ipod will do is show me the apple logo and then a usb port with an arrow. I looked at the apple website and there is nothing about this issue. Also, my computer will not recognise the usb and i tunes won't either. I am very close to throwing the (expensive paper weight) out the window. If anyone knows how to fix this problem, it would be greatly appritiated. P.S already attempted apples 5 R's...numerous times It won't do anything except the apple/usb arrow
Not sure whether this would work but try resetting the ipod by holding menu and select button together a couple of times. Not sure if it will work but it's worth the try!
That's one of the 5 R's. ;-) My suggestion is to try a different USB cable. Yours may be damaged or something and it's not getting the iPod signal to your computer.
Thank you. But the usb works for my new ipod, just not the old one. I have three different cables and I tried them on two different computers. I think I'm just going to throw it out.