Please help a Computer Dummie out.

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by djMurda, Feb 11, 2004.

  1. djMurda

    djMurda Member

    Feb 6, 2004
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    Hi,I am having a hell of a time with this computer.I put my post up last week,and when i click on it to read it,it will just close it out and bring me back to my desktop.Other problem is 80% of websites i got too i click on a link and it will not do nothing,just a blank page,pc does not load or nothing.I am using Internet Explorer,i disabled my fire wall,checked for virus,Nothing!I reinstalled Internet Explorer (newest version) And nothing at all has happend. If Someone would please help me out with this problem.Thanks Alot!
  2. Xian

    Xian Regular member

    Jun 27, 2003
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    I replied to your last request but since you can't read it I hope you have better luck with this one. Here is what I said there

    That's a problem I have seen before with IE. The urlmon.dll has a problem. Do this to fix it:
    1) Go to Start then Run and type: regsvr32 urlmon.dll You should get a message saying it was successful.
    3)Go to Internet Explorer and pick the pull down menu Tools...Internet Options...Programs then click Reset Web Settings

    If that doesn't work try following the instructions here:;EN-US;q281679&

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