Can anyone please help me. i am trying to convert avi to dvd. i am using dvd santa and it converts and burns to dvd ok, but i noticed that the movie is fine untill just after half way through the film the movie starts to jump and green squares scramble across the screen. am i doing something wrong? is it because i dont have enough memory? my memory size is 192mb. if the memory is too small how much do u recomend? I also tried to convert and burn with nero express and it stopped near the end of burning. it said not enough disc space. i had about 11gb left on the hard drive so i dont think it was the hard drive that was at fault. please help me because this is very annoying thanx.
192 megabites isnt a lot of room to convert an avi to dvd. Remember Avi files. Normally now a days are Divx files. A divix file is normally compressed 10 times on an average then DVD (mpged 2) So and 8 gig dvd converted to AVI will be a bout 1 gig give or take. so I would recomend getting a larger harddrive. Also you can change your virtual memeory too. This helps I find when encoding (increase it) Pinnacle Studio 9 is a good program for convertind and editing AVI file if you have a Divx encoder pluggin, if you're an avid video editor and movie maker etc.
What size of memory do you recommend? i have a 40gb hard drive is that ok? what else do i need? ive got dvd santa and nero express 2.