Please help first dvd burned works great!! 3 coasters now???

Discussion in 'Video to DVD' started by dvds4me, Jan 20, 2005.

  1. dvds4me

    dvds4me Member

    Jan 20, 2005
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    I don't know what I am doing wrong. I use winavi to convert my avi and nero express 6 to burn and like I said my first movie burned no problem. I moved on to my next movie and have 3 coasters. They play on my computer but not on my stand alone. I am using fujifilm dvd-r's I don't think I'm doing anything different I even slowed my burn speed down and closed all programs disconnected my dsl and still can't burn a good disc. The first disc I burned I was surfing the net and burned at max speed and that is the disc that works. I can't figure out what is wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. bazilla

    bazilla Regular member

    Jan 13, 2005
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    You've gotten three "coasters" (well, not really, because they play on your computer) converting the same avi.

    Maybe it is the avi?

    What I'd do is move on to another avi, and see if that works.

    I don't know if this is possible, but maybe the avi was in a format that converts to PAL and you are trying to play in a player that only plays NTSC, vice versa, or something comparable.

    Look in the tools here for a utility called "gspot." Open up one of the VOB files created for your dvd and look at the specs. You can tell from the video resolution and fps whether it was encoded for PAL or NTSC.


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