my xbox got softmodded by some dude,useing the splintercell mod,i had it and was playing it for about 3 days when i turned it on one day i keep getting orange and green lights and saying the xbox needs service in a few languages.I was stupid and didnt write down my xbox ip(would it be the same as on xbox live?I had an evox dash)?Anyway is there anyway i can fix this i never got a backup and i dont know whats wrong,is there a way i can connect to it like that?if so how can i find the ip if i cant get the dash to boot?Or what do i need to start over myself jus real copy of sc and mempak? Please help as u can read um freakin here lol
I had orange flashing one time when their was solder splash on the mobo but i suppose thats not possible with yours ... did you run any new games that may have updated the msdash ?
what happened is 1 day i started playing killer instinct x and wwe raw 2,and i copied some music by booting to the original dash in evox.after about maybe an hour of it being on i went tp reboot to play killer instinct again from a disc by the way and got as far as a loading screen and froze and thats the last time i seen the dash,and now when i turn it on it flashes then turns off then on then off again by itself then on, no screen either jus flashing.and this was after i tried to replace the ide cable(i thought that may be a stab in the dark)
Is there anyway i could have corrupted files or maybe have locked my harddrive somehow,or is my hard drive gone.
MY av cable is in right to, i have two xboxs and i use the 1 cable sometimes being lazy.but that cable is on my box that is working now i use for xbox live.But thats not a modded box.