I have downloaded Unreal 2 and Mafia and Simcity 4.I have the Bin files but what does a cue file look like i know you guys have addressed this issue before but i am not really understanding you guess i need a slow talker step by step.How do i burn them i have the software have burnt alot of coasters don't know what to do or what i am doing wrong. These multiple CD bin and iso files are a pain. please would really appreciate it.
Lets start with Sim City 4 (Safedisc 2.8.x cd protected). Download Alcohol 120% and after installing go to general> options>shell extension and enable all. Now open the burn wizard and choose the Safedisc 2 dataype profile and load the image of Sim City 1 (cd 1) and burn RAW DAO at 8x. Depending upon the brand name of your burner will determine if you need emulation to play your backups. [bold] What is the brand name and model# of your cd burner? [/bold] Shoey ____X_X_X_X_X_[small]Certified Computer Technician http://www.afterdawn.com/general/legal.cfm Mobo: MSI KT4VL-6712 CPU: AthlonXP Barton 2500+ Ram: 512 SD-DDR (PC-2700) nVidia GeForce4 MX440-8x Maxtor ATA\133 80 gig hd DVD-ROM: LiteOn LTD 165H CDRW: Memorex52MAXX 2452[/small]
However to answer your question, simply google up a "CUE Creator". On a more serious note, a typical CUE file looks something like: Note the second line, "MODE1/2352", although this works for most game images, to determine the actual settings, just open the BIN files up in something like CDMage and you will be presented with several options as to how to read the image.... replace (if neccesary), the "MODE1/2352" with the option that works.
phillips DVD+CDRW d28 thats all it says in properties_X_X_X_X_X_[small]I am a beginner so in advance for any stupid questions-a beginner[/small]
If i "need emulation" what in the world does that mean_X_X_X_X_X_[small]I am a beginner so in advance for any stupid questions-a beginner[/small]
1. No need to "bump" on the first day lol 2. Phillips is not the greatest of companies lol 3. "Emulation" is required if you dont have a 2-sheep burner (ie., if you only have a 1-sheeper) 4. I think your "phillips DVD+CDRW d28" (which isnt all that informative) is a 2-sheeper so you prolly wont have to worry about emulation
"2-sheep" WTF I am not familair with that Oh yea how can i be more Informative I want to be able give you the best info so you can help me Ok I just got done burning the software the files popped up that are in the cd it is that not supposed to happened
1. Well it would happen if you have autorun enabled. 2. A 2-sheep burner is one that is capable of always correctly does EFM Encoding of Regular Bit Patterns. A 1-sheeper almost always does it correctly. Try playing the game.... does it work?