Hello i have a motorola v220 and i broke the main lcd screen on it. I called Cingular they said they would charge me $150.00. So i researched it and found the screen on ebay.com. All i need to do is know how to install my main lcd screen on my motorola v220 phone. Please help heres the link to the screen: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=6409857434&ssPageName=MERC_VIC_ReBay_Pr4_PcY_BIN
Just did the same screen replacement last week. 1) pry the outside cover off by slipping your fingernail under the "ears" closest to the hinge. Get both ears popped out of their seats. Then gently slid your nail along the seam. About 2/3's up the seam is the snaps that hold the shell together. As you gently pry they should come free. 2) once inside you'll need a very small "torx" driver. I'm sorry but I can't recall which size. (I bought a very nice Husky brand jewelers style driver from home depot for about ten bucks. It includes 8 sizes and stores the bits in the handle (pt# HD-74502 S).) You'll have to remove a couple of components to get at the main screen. These are attached with very thin ribbon cable, so be carefull. Also, one of the parts is attached with double sided tape, just pry it off slowly. just for the record I got mine from Full-Metal-Japan, which has a store on ebay. I paid $18, got it in a week, and it works great. GOODLUCK......
I acutally just purchased it off of ebay. Thanks again you saved me a good bit of money and a lot of time. One thing though for ne one who has this same problem was thta it was hard to find the seller. I looked under stores not sellers. So if anyone needs to replace the Motorola V180 V220 V265 C650 Main / Big LCD Screen go to this link: http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZfullQ2dmetalQ2djapan And the instructions from Ethanm are below: 1) pry the outside cover off by slipping your fingernail under the "ears" closest to the hinge. Get both ears popped out of their seats. Then gently slid your nail along the seam. About 2/3's up the seam is the snaps that hold the shell together. As you gently pry they should come free. 2) once inside you'll need a very small "torx" driver. I'm sorry but I can't recall which size. (I bought a very nice Husky brand jewelers style driver from home depot for about ten bucks. It includes 8 sizes and stores the bits in the handle (pt# HD-74502 S).) You'll have to remove a couple of components to get at the main screen. These are attached with very thin ribbon cable, so be carefull. Also, one of the parts is attached with double sided tape, just pry it off slowly. just for the record I got mine from Full-Metal-Japan, which has a store on ebay. I paid $18, got it in a week, and it works great. GOODLUCK......