Please Help (Re: Mp3 Tags, WMP11, WinAmp, Etc)

Discussion in 'Audio' started by Aenygma, May 20, 2006.

  1. Aenygma

    Aenygma Member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    Excuse the length of this post, but I wish to get accross what I need, and what happened.

    I have been ripping CD's for quite awhile now, and never did anything about the Tag fields. When we got our XBOX360, I would stream the music, and noticed, that vital information was missing.

    An example:
    If I go to play Bryan Adams: "Heaven" All I have in the tag itself, is The Artist Name, and the Song Title. I would like to have the Title Name, Artist, Album name it was from, track number, even the album art etc...

    I installed Windows Media Player 11Beta, because I heard it would do this for me. Indeed it does to some extent. However, I noticed a SERIOUS PROBLEM. It was MIS-naming quite a few songs.

    So as another example:
    Now Bryan Adams: "Heaven" Would still be there, but when I click to play it. The title would be "Isn't It Time, and the artist The Babys!!!

    Well, I don't know how many it screwed up, so I removed ALL of my mp3s (Fortunatly I had just done a backup of them onto DVD's)

    What I need:
    I need (if it exsists) a product that can scan through my mp3s and "help me" to fill in the missing parts, plus perhaps even give me album art. Hopefully, one that will ASK me before it makes any changes.

    What I use:
    I went back to Only using WinAmp (v.2.91) < Very old version I know, but it works fine.

    I also noticed WMP11 seemed to scroll fairly slowly for me, and this is a 64Bit system with 1Gig of XMS Ram, 1900 Ati Vid Card, etc... (It is not pokey)

    If you have any other suggestions as to say what player we should use, and of course what program might help us, I would appreciate it very, very much.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this.
  2. djscoop

    djscoop Active member

    Feb 6, 2003
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    the best tagger out there is called Tag&Rename. It is very easy to use, and has a windows explorer-like interface. It has tons and tons of features. It will automatically connect to the freedB and tag all your albums for you, and you can also rename your files any way you want based on the tags. I beleive it has a 30 day trial, but it well worth the $30 bucks to buy it.
  3. Aenygma

    Aenygma Member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    Ok, I have to ask since others have spoken to me about this... I do NOT have track numbers in my tags (as I said, I really never input any info other than the Artist, and Song Title.)

    I have been told that without track numbers, theres no way to do completely automatic look ups without them. I was told this is why WMP couldn't get all my info right for each song.

    I do not at all mind buying software, as long as it can do what I need:

    Lookup the correct info for each song I have.
    Ask me BEFORE just making the changes like WMP did (In case it is making a boo boo)
    And a bonus would of course be album art.
    Oh, and of course be spyware free lol.
  4. djscoop

    djscoop Active member

    Feb 6, 2003
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    have no fears about using tag&rename, it is completely spyware and adware free.

    just because your mp3 albums don't have a track number, or any ID info for that matter, doesn't mean the freedB can't find the album. As long as you have your albums in separate folders, and the tracks are in order , so whatever the filenames are, they need to be in the same order as the original CD (track 1, 2...). The actual name of the files don't matter, as long as they are in order. Thats all you need for the freedB to find you album.
  5. Aenygma

    Aenygma Member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    Uh oh then... lol

    Wow, I really didn't tag these right. Sigh, this might be a LOT of work.

    I have ALL my mp3s in one big folder, sorted by artist name. (Not by album)

    So I take it, I am in a lot of trouble huh? I need to go over ALL (it is a lot) of my mp3s, and redo them, in Album format, and in the order they were in?

    By the way, what do you think of MP3Tag as an editor?? It seems to do lookups, and it is free.

    Last edited: May 21, 2006
  6. Aenygma

    Aenygma Member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    Ok, so let me try this approach (And it looks like I am going to be a very busy person too)

    How does everyone have their mp3 files laid out?

    Currently mine are thus:

    Artist... Songtitle.mp3

    I have tried looking at some sites to get some ideas. It seems most people do it this way:

    Artist - Album - #01. Songtitle

    Any input appreciated.
    I really don't feel like redoing all of them, but it seems that is what I need to do. Sigh.

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