Please Help..Simple Problem but no answers

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by munky_350, Nov 23, 2006.

  1. munky_350

    munky_350 Member

    Nov 23, 2006
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    Hello,I have a problem which may be relatively simple,but I do not want to go through clicking things because this has a high chance of leading to worse problems.....When I start my box it goes to the 24k screen(the xenium 24k is installed) from there i can't get to my games...when i click to add an item to my launch bar(such as a game)so i can open it, it says the file is too big..there is a file already on the launchbar which i think may be the games list.It is called "A-Y".When i click this, it restarts my xbox and gives me the error 21 screen.What can i do to get back to the evox screen(it is installed in there but there is no file explorer except for "add Item To Launchbar",so i cant really go to it and click on it like i could if i was using avalaunch.If there is anyone who could tell me how to get to evox from the 24k start menu or what i can do to fix the error 21 message or why that error should come up for that file.Could that possibly be the games list?
    If someone could help me with this i would be eternally greatful.
    Thank you very much.
  2. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    does the chip have any settings , like possible one for dual boot mode? I know some do.
    So that when you press the start button it will go to the chip screen, and when you press the eject it will boot to EvoX

    I do not have that chip but i know mine by pressing start boots to EvoX, and when i press the eject it boots to MS Dash.
    Have you tried using an auto installer disc like Slayer 2.7 and reinstalling the EvoX dash on your C: partition to see if it is corrupt or a file has gone missing somehow?
    here is what i found on Error 21

    21 - anywhere -

    This error says that the machine was booted to display a error, basically someone told the machine to reboot (or launch a xbe) with this flag, and the error code just means its been rebooted by the flag

    This occurs frequently when the xbox is unable to boot due to dashboard changes being made (ie Gcue true blue hasnt been resigned, parts of the stock dash are missing - incomplete FTP backups copied to a new HDD for example).

    also once you get EvoX working, if you do not already know this, look up areticles on how to edit the Evox.ini file. That way you can customize the main menu and put links to all your favorite apps right on the main screen it boots to.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2006
  3. munky_350

    munky_350 Member

    Nov 23, 2006
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    1.Well...The only screen it will give me is the one u start out in(the 24k screen) and the only things u can open are the things on the launch menu...everything that i try to add to the launch menu says (item will not fit) so how can i open anything?there is a boxplorer but to open it you have to go through the launch menu and again it will not fit on the launch menu...

    2.When i put a disc in it just still goes to the 24k screen like it always does which you cannot do squat from.even if i start it up with the disc in the xbox, it still goes to the 24k screen(game disc or Slayer EVOX).Both the game and the slayer's disc work in my friends xbox but do not do anything in mine because it will not load any dashboard other than the 24k. I would like to be able to just switch to the evox dash (which is on there)but am unable because the 24k program sucks and limits you to only be able to open things from the launch menu(which will not let anything worth using fit on.)
    Please Help...
    Thank You
  4. munky_350

    munky_350 Member

    Nov 23, 2006
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    1.Well...The only screen it will give me is the one u start out in(the 24k screen) and the only things u can open are the things on the launch menu...everything that i try to add to the launch menu says (item will not fit) so how can i open anything?there is a boxplorer but to open it you have to go through the launch menu and again it will not fit on the launch menu...

    2.When i put a disc in it just still goes to the 24k screen like it always does which you cannot do squat from.even if i start it up with the disc in the xbox, it still goes to the 24k screen(game disc or Slayer EVOX).Both the game and the slayer's disc work in my friends xbox but do not do anything in mine because it will not load any dashboard other than the 24k.The xbox always goes to that screen even when u turn it on with the eject button. I would like to be able to just switch to the evox dash (which is on there)but am unable because the 24k program sucks and limits you to only be able to open things from the launch menu(which will not let anything worth using fit on.)
    Please Help...
    Thank You

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