Hi. I just purchased a Nokia 3595 on Ebay. Silly me, I purchased the phone from Tenessee and I live in Canada. The phone was registered on Cingular and I need to use it on Rogers. When I contacted Rogers, they couldn't help me, and said that I had to talk to Cingular. Because of privacy laws, Cingular couldn't help me unless I had an account there. I asked the seller to help me, and he said that he contacted them and it would take 6 - 9 business days in order to get the code. That was over three weeks ago. Now there is no answer when I try to contact the seller. The IMEI is: 010283 0 925275 5 Thanks.
Jen, Please repost your IMEI number for this Nokia 3595. The IMEI number you posted had 14 numbers, the IMEI number is suppose to have 15 numbers. Please repost here. Sara