hi thanks for looking at this i have a windows vista pc i have only had the computer about 2-3 weeks and i was happily chatting to friends on msn when i lost my internet connection and it started to go slow so i restarted the pc and then it happend it shows the loading screen but then my monitor says no rgb singnal check cables every time it works in safe mode and i have restored it back and still nothing please help i really need this computer thanks for any replys
Ya don't really have much to go on...though before anyone here should be helping you out, my suggestion is to take it back where you bought it. It should still be under warranty.
i got it out of a mates mag and am no longer in touch with him plus it had taken them about 2 months to deliver it so i wouldn't want to send it back and wait another 2 months lol
..... definitely sounds like bad video drivers. Goggle your video card and Vista and see if others are having any issues. Google is a techs best friend....