Please help w/ Analog video device to computer with no RCA.

Discussion in 'Digital camcorders' started by damikster, Feb 22, 2004.

  1. damikster

    damikster Guest

    Ok..I have a Dv camcorder with "firewire connections" to my computer and have been making DVD's from my DV video tapes. I now want to make DVD's from my analog camcorder (Which has only a Vid/Aud out) or tapes but have no rca connections on my computer video card ( NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 ) Which only has a Monitor, s-video and a white, rectangular connector with about 24 little holes in it. Can anyone offer any suggestions besides buying a new video card?
  2. Nuke

    Nuke Member

    Feb 11, 2003
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    You may be able to pass through the signal of your analog camcorder to your DV camcorder to your pc if your dv camcorder has the rca connections. Try connecting the analog to the Dv camcorder and see if you can record to pc this way. Check your manual to see if your dv camcorder allows analog to dv passthrough if not you can just record to dv tape and then use the firewire to get the video on to the pc.
  3. damikster

    damikster Guest

    Nope, No RCA on the DV camcorder. Was thinking...Could I Manipulate or edit a dvd in my computer, of movies made on a home dvd burner? I can burn movies to my Home dvd burner from my analog camcorder and then play them on my computer dvd burner/player. So, I guess my question is, Can one edit home made DVD files or movies? Thanks for reading this, Hope it don't give ya a headache!!!
  4. Nuke

    Nuke Member

    Feb 11, 2003
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    You can do it but it depends on what editing software you have. You can rip the home movie dvd to your hard drive with DVDDecrypter or DVDShrink and then use TMPGEnc DVD Author to do basic editing. Or if you use a program that does not accept .vob files then you would have to convert to Mpeg2 or .m2v and use something like ulead's movie factory to edit. I'm sure there are other ways to do it but I haven't had the need to do it too often. Hope this helps!
  5. paparatzo

    paparatzo Guest

    instead of spending big on a digital/analogue capture card i brought a TV tunner card(items tv tunner) that had analogue capture in it and then just brought a digital pinnicle card for firewire capture.

    saved a few bucks

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