hi ya all..... could anyone please tell me what cable box is best to buy only ive been thinking of buying a arnet kript view but because i no nothing about these things i'm asking your advise ..... many thanks... wendy.
Personal favourite is the Eurovox, but everybody has their own opinion, Depends on what you need the box to do!
all depends what you want to do for basic viewing then Kryptview is the best for more advance stuff like recording to a hard drive or streaming video files from a PC go for a dreambox I prefer dBox/Dreambox can I can set up a fully blown media centre with that.
thanks for that advise. only i can't do with anything too technical. i just want to plug in and play, with as much ease as possible. if i do buy a kriptview will i need any updates or codes or anything. kind regards... wendy.
as a Kryptview is not a legit box as such, then once the CC company change the encryption then yes a new firmware will need to be uploaded to the box. If you want none of this hassle, then why not subscribe to VM and get the official box and no need to do any ugraded.
VM virgin media ( I think), what he is saying if you are not prepared to learn a bit about updating the box you should maybe just pay the cable companies, and get a legit box off them.
i thinking of getting a box for myself but with all the crap thats going on wit nthell was thinking is it worth it. the folks have a eurovox 2008 and its the dogs but i'm not too up wit the tech stuff and was wondering is it gonna get worse?