My youngest daughter got to my sons M3 and she was playing with it in her GBASP, and all was fine until she took out the M3 and gave it back to her brother. Now when we place the cart into the DS or the GBASP after the load up screen for both all we get is a black screen. I reformatted the SD card and still nothing. I tried loading the cart without an SD card into the DS and I get there is no SD card please insert screen. I tried the SD card in another M3 and it works fine. So I know it's the cart I just want to see if there is anyway to fix it. I put the latest firmware on the SD card but whenever the SD card is inserted all I get is a black screen please help. Thanks
Judging by your (well detailed) description, it sounds like the device itself is toast, the biggest indicator being that it doesn't give the "No SD Card inserted" screen when it should. Not sure if there is much hope for it srry but maybe I am wrong.
I think I misstated that fact it does tell me there is no sd card in it, but when the sd card is inserted all I get is a black screen.