Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by tjac9999, Dec 8, 2004.

  1. tjac9999

    tjac9999 Guest

    I have made about 10 copies that did't work keep getting the dirtydisc error message screen .I have made a ISO with about 4 different programs( SIMPLEX, XISO, GNUGDFIMAGE, QUIX, and some others) and also tried DVD Decripter and Nero 6 to burn the iso's nothing has worked so if anyone could please help.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 8, 2004
  2. nastynath

    nastynath Guest

    yes, i could, but mmmmmmm PM me?
  3. Quadratic

    Quadratic Regular member

    Nov 19, 2004
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    What kind of media did you use? Did you use media that was compatible with your xbox? It doesn't matter how many times you made a disc, if your xbox doesn't like it, it will reject it. I have to believe this is the reason why you keep getting the "dirty disc error"

    But now that I think about it, why are you getting the dirty disc error anyway? If you have a modded xbox, you should also have a dashboard (besides the standard MS dashboard). So why would you be getting that message if you have a dashboard?

    If you don't have a modded xbox, then you might as well quit trying.

  4. tjac9999

    tjac9999 Guest

    If I did't have a modded xbox or another dash I don't think I could have FTP'd it.
  5. Quadratic

    Quadratic Regular member

    Nov 19, 2004
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    Well for all I know you could've downloaded it :p

    Ok, so you have a modded xbox. Have you made backups with the same type of DVD media that you're using to burn the H2 ISO?
  6. tjac9999

    tjac9999 Guest

  7. Quadratic

    Quadratic Regular member

    Nov 19, 2004
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    I think I know what the problem is...

    Halo 2 is too big to fit a standard 4.7 GB. And you probably didn't cut out the Xbox Live files to make it fit on the DVD.

    Did you cut out the Xbox live files (downloader.xbe, update.xbe, dashupdate.xbe) before making it a ISO and burning it? Because if you didn't, then that's the problem.
  8. nastynath

    nastynath Guest

    As I always say, u need some type of IT knowledge to so this stuff. If you don't then buy it?

    This game is a little tricky but easy enough to do.

    See my thread "HALO2 coversion dvd92dvd5"

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