Please help with N Card/Firelink Card

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by squeeblc, Feb 24, 2009.

  1. squeeblc

    squeeblc Guest

    I have an n card which when I plug it into USB in computer it says that I need to Format. I followed instructions I found online and thought i'd done format via ds nintendo. It now comes up on my ds as DS Firelink and it has white screen saying - "Error - Open fat error!" on it. It didnt give me option to do full format only quick format.
    Can anyone give me any advice or help with this please.
    It still won't recognise n card when I plug it into USB and computer, still asks me to format it. I have read that I shouldn't format it via computer.
    I am stuck and confused. Hope someone can help me.
    Thanks in advance
  2. Trafficc

    Trafficc Member

    Apr 18, 2009
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    I am having problems with mine too, I have fully formatted and quick formatted it, however I cannot get the menu for USB mode anymore.

    Feeling a bit thick at this point as usually this stuff is easy

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