PLEASE HELP!! Xbox requires service... but no error number?

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by reduxien, Aug 22, 2007.

  1. reduxien

    reduxien Member

    Aug 22, 2007
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    Hi, I just joined Afterdawn today, and I couldn't find a fix to my problem in other threads, so I'm going to post now.

    My Xbox is v1.0 (I checked). Also, I have not softmodded/hardmodded/modified/opened my Xbox.

    It was working fine until about a month ago, when I started getting the xmas lights and the 'Xbox requires service' screen with different languages popped up. Out of 100 tries to run games/dvds, I get this error 99 times. I can't get past the Xbox logo screen at all. Plus, I don't see an error code number anywhere on the screen when I get the service screen (yes, I'm 100% certain).

    It's either my HDD or my DVD drive (during the flashing red/green lights, I hear clicking noises like pulling the trigger of an empty gun)

    Therefore, I'm just wondering if there is ANYthing I can do to fix my Xbox without hardmodding it or acquiring another Xbox hard drive. Will softmodding/hotswapping it work?

    Thank you

    PS: I have a crappy 6GB PC HDD that I can replace my Xbox HDD with (if possible)
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2007
  2. psykarrd

    psykarrd Member

    Jul 26, 2007
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  3. chunkhead

    chunkhead Regular member

    Oct 20, 2006
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    If it's clicking, then the HDD is dead! This is normally an Error 7, however the v1.0 Xbox doesn't have this error code!

    You will need to replace the HDD, however you'll need the eeprom. I would suggest trying to salvage original HDD temporarily (if it works every now and again) you may be able to get the eeprom out!

    The easiest way is an eeprom reader or modchip.

    Read my tutorials to find out more!

    MUNKYEARS Regular member

    Feb 2, 2007
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    sounds like ur disc has failed totally like chunkhead says, have you dropped ur xbox at all?

    well like chunkhead says (again, his infinate knowledge at work)

    u might be able retrieve ur eeprom via a reader or modchip but i think a hotswap would work as before you get to the service screen...
    it plays the flubber at start up which the xbox uses that time to unlock the hdd and search for dash files but because the xbox cant unlock it for some reason (in your case, failed hardware) it goes to the error screen... your hdd may be rescued by hotswapping or professional repair but your best bets a modchip

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