I am trying to copy dvd for the first time using dvd decrypter or smart ripper.I am not sure of my aspi so I have used force aspi.When i used dvd decryter I got no sound. When I used smart ripper I got sound and no piture. Also I read that dvd coping will not work with fat 32. Is this correct. Thanks.
Could you please tell us what you are working with? What OS, computer specs- processor, RAM, HDD. What DVD programs besides Decrypter and Smartripper do you have? What burner are you using. Are you trying to copy a DVD-5 or a DVD-9? What blank media are you using? How are you using Decrypter? The more information you provide the eaiser it is to help!
I am using windows 98 se.My computer is an AMD 3200+ N-force 2.I have dual channel OCZ 256 ram (512 total).I have 40 Gig 7200 IBM harddrive one partition fat32.(20g freespace)My new burner is Lg GSA-4040B I am trying to use dvdwizard pro to rip dvd 5 to my harddrive.Then check it using cyberlink power dvd5 software player.I would like to learn to copy both single & dual layer Disc's. Thanks.
Try and use DVD Shrink. The websites in my signature offer user guides for a few of the popular programs. follow those guides and see if you are getting it correct. Also, FAT32 is fine, just not for ISO's
I Forgot to add the dvd's I'm trying to copy are in pal format.Is there different requirements for this format? Thanks.