Please help

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by macca8787, Aug 20, 2004.

  1. macca8787

    macca8787 Guest

    hi ive been searching the net for days and cannot find out how to make backup copies of my xbox games ive seen different things about ftp but dont understand how to do this or what is required. Ive tried burning on nero but cannot get my games to work due to iso/udf ive downloaded xiso but it is still not working could someone out there please help?
  2. Scotsmen

    Scotsmen Guest


    How to make a Back-up of an Xbox game disc you own to a DVD-R.

    Firstly you need to be able Network/Ftp to your Xbox from your PC. There are many tutorials out there that cover this so I am not going over that. I assume your Xbox IS already modded. ( I will use Evo-x dash as my example here)

    Ok boot your Xbox to Evo-X place your chosen Xbox game disc into your Xboxes DVD drive then go to your PC and ftp into the Xbox and navigate to D:\ and transfer the “root” folder of D:\ (D:\ is your DVD drive) to a easy to find place on your PC.

    Once the file has transferred to your PC you need to make the “root” folder into an iso I use “qwix” it’s nice and easy to make an iso with it, you can patch any xbe’s at the same time. Ok once you have your iso made you open up in my case NERO and CLOSE the “new compilation” box (make sure you have chosen your DVD burner in the drop down box that shows what recorder you use) and choose “recorder” then choose “burn image” and navigate to the iso of the game you transferred over.

    Click on it and you will get a “burn compilation” box in here under the “Burn” tab choose the following tick the “write” box and the “finalize” box and under “write speed” choose burn at x4 as the disc is burned to a DVD the “write method” wont be used but if you use a CDR on smaller titles in this section select “disc at once” then for both media types click “Burn” and you should be done.

    Please note there may be other ways that others use, this is what I use and what works for me if others find a better way please post and let us all know about it.

  3. macca8787

    macca8787 Guest

    hi scotsman thanks for your reply but as you maybe aware im a newbee to all this and after reading your post it seems to be quite easy to do but i dont know what is required to Network/Ftp ( which cables to use which programes to run were to connect xbox to pc) could you please letme know how to do this
  4. clarky

    clarky Regular member

    Feb 2, 2004
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    All you need is a cross over cable and a program such as flash fxp, once you have the dashboard installed you simply connect to your xbox as you would a normal computer (ie: type in the ip addy in the flash fxp program and connect)
  5. Scotsmen

    Scotsmen Guest


    If only it was as easy for the inexperienced to do as it is easy for the experienced to type.

    Its a little more indepth than "just" getting a crossover cable and loading up flash fxp.

    But thats besides the point the matter to assist this gent was taken in hand and the correct procedure were FULLY provided to him via PM.


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