im very new to all this so please reply in beginners language. Ive just paid to download a movie in divx format. everything is good except when i downloaded the movie it says i only have it for 30 days or 30 plays on disc? does this mean the file will no longer play after 30 days of original download and also if i burn it to disc it will only play 30 times? if so - is there a way i can burn this to dvd to keep forever.... i have paid to download it so why shouldnt i be able to keep it? surely there must be a way....
i spend 4hours downloading it ...and pay full price. do you pay full price at your local blockbuster video?? prick!
Prick? If a place charged full retail price for a rental, then I would take my money elsewhere to either rent cheaper or just buy it. If you didn't agree with the terms of sale then you should not have handed over the money.