ok sense im a complete idiot and i screwed up my softmod and deleted my dashboard so i dont have one at all can i FTP the ms dash back i have the xbox hooked up and everything it says it koocked up and im tryin to FTP with flashfxp i have the ms dahsboard already from xbins so can somebody help me
it has the green x and says microsoft and it stays there can i hotswp and rewrite my HDD i just need to know how to get my xbox ms dash back without using a mod chip
The xbox X stays frozen on screen?? LOL, thats the first ive heard of that issue, congratulations, lol. (kidding with ya) Yes you can go that route. (hotswap) Think back, You deleted stuff on the "C" partition right, Not the "E" one correct? if this is the case than your original softmod installer thing should still be on the xbox! If you can boot a game (which im pretty confident you can do,.... i think) you can load the softmod installer again. (just the same as the first time) From there there should be an option somewhere to install the original dash or "return to factory". Try that first. ---------------------------------------- If you cant boot a game than you cant do that And in that scenario a Mod chip or Hotswap is your only solution. Do you know how to do a hotswap?
i read all the tuts on gotswapping and i was about to do it when i was confused on how to transfer the files to my HDD please help me out i miss my xbox
i think im gonna have a pro fix it and put a mod chip in it cuz i hotswapped last night and i failed i had no idea what i was doin i unlocked the HDD but i didnt no wat to do next i think i was supposed to use xboxhdm but that thing is way confusin if u could tell me how to use it srep by step that would b awsome or other wise im havin a guy do it 4 me
Don't panic..read the heaps of docs that come with xboxhdm..they cover everything.. Can you boot any backups?
idk im a new to this stuff i kno ur like this guy is a idiot and i will admitt i am but i dont kno how to boot up back ups all i kno i did is delete my dash and i can only play games or DVD's so if you could help me i would preciate it
also i have a fried that will help me it says i can copy a xbox HDD and put it on a blank HDD with xboxhdm i could do that if thats easier but i dont get it... im so confused
Theres an old way to unlock a drive too...RISKY...you boot an original game and when it loads the drive is unlocked and stays that way as long as it remains connected to the power from the xbox...Then plug an ide cable from your pc into the xbox hdd and boot up the pc (you may need to change some settings in the bios to autodetect the drive...You will need an app called fatXplorer to run on the pc, then copy the files from E:\ c_backup onto C:\ This is the old way of doing it and is risky.... Disclaimer I take no responsibility for screw ups..try this at your own risk..
Just get a Mod chip and you will never screw your xbox again and its much safer with a chip. with sodtmod u will always have problem coz if u just delete a file by accident, your xbox is screwed. Get a Chip
I agree, you should get a mod chip. some you just "plug in". Anyway, just redo the softmod. if you can boot a game you can do it. PLEASE!, it'll make me feel better. Step 1, patch MS dash. (its an option in the softmod menu) Step 2, install the dash 'n' stuff. step 3, Enjoy. It's that easy.
@ tucool Shouldn't that be "Always remember to back up the whole C:\ and E:\ drive with softmods!"?.(heh heh ).I sent these guys some dash files and stuff, we'll see what gives..
ok im did the hotswap and i unlocked the HDD now im confused about xboxhdm if you have a verizon wireless phone and you would like to help me plzzzz pm me and we can talk me through it i would love if you could do that
ok i think i got the xbox hdm down and how to use it but i cant seem to find the primary slave i found the primary master could some one help