please help

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by dazzlet, Jan 11, 2007.

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  1. dazzlet

    dazzlet Member

    Jan 10, 2007
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    hi i am new to this really i have done loads of reasearch and looked at loads of posts on this and other forums but there is one question i cant seem to find a relative answer for.
    which is the best box the nokia dbox2, the sagem dbox2, the dreambox, the starview box, the eurovox, the dm500.
    any advice and help would be much appreciated as i dont know the differance between them all
  2. blueice14

    blueice14 Guest

    hi dazzlet
    also new on here so im not gonna give a concrete answer to your question, but i guess most people will say nokia, a few of my mates have the sagem and say thats fine too, i have a dm500c works brilliantly apart from the fact i dont know the password to get into the setup....and still i dont think anyone can help me out on this (tried all the usual cominations, ie111/1224/5555 etc) anyways epg on there is fine im happy with it, however im after a nokia now myself, more for learning how to play around with it of course !!
  3. randycat

    randycat Guest

    hi mate,

    im new to this also. however, i just bought a star view box last week and im well pleased with was up and working within 10 minutes out of the box. Im on ntl with one ntl box in the lounge & one in the bedroom. The one in the lounge has broadband connection so I hooked the sta view up to the one upstairs - as i say it works great - 266 chanels without a hitch! The tv guide & user interface is very good too, i was familiar with all of it after 20 minutes of playing around. What ive now done is bought a cable splitter & put the tl box back in the bedroom & run a cable through the floor to another screen in my kitchen where I have now mounted the staview box (star view box is half the size of a standard box). I am now ordering another star view for the lounge & thi will sit on the ntl box with a cable splitter again so i can sill receive the broadband & ntl can still communicate with their box (ive been told by an ex ntl engineer tha this is important).

    Hope this helps

  4. dazzlet

    dazzlet Member

    Jan 10, 2007
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    hi do you know if the starview box will need software updates like many of the other boxes you read about and if it does is this easy to do and where do you get the update files from thanks daz
  5. blueice14

    blueice14 Guest

    hey randycat you should change your name to SPLITTER lol (joke mate) anyway glad your doing well with the starview - the real test will be when you need to do a reset etc. im still gonna go with a dbox2 as there seems to be a greater census for this - well to be honest most my mates have one of these and it will be easier to get help on this - already have a dream500c which is about the same size as the starview - this aint bad either but dont know enuff about this box yet to tamper with
  6. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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