i have always been a visitor and reader to these forums and what a great website it is with so many clever and well informed people i posted my first post today with regards cables i need to use to upgrade my starview as i am not to hot on computers any help would be briliant i have downloaded software updates to laptop and i seem to have a 9 pin port on laptop but it is female so would it be possible to do 9 pin male to female null modem or is there an adapter i could buy or is it possible to do usb to 9 pin null modem i dont have any cables so am going to buy also dont have instlalation cd as it was pre loaded have had box since september and kids are driving me daft as there is only so much freeview you can watch
the 9 pin female connecter on your laptop is probably the video port - is it blue ? are the connections in a row of three or row of two normal serial ports are male pins
right sorry i am logging in at work so did not log in till this morning after checking laptop i have 15 pin female 3 rows blue in colour and 25 pin female 2 rows
bill i had to buy a usb to rs232 cable and a female to female null modem cable once i got them both it was easy to put the software on and only took about 5 mins to set up. Got them both for £8 off ebay
cheers deefc i thought this was the route i was going to have to go down i will try over the weekend and let everyone know how i got on and will hopefully be able to help a few others who need theres flashed great website and will definetly keep on posting instead of just reading
the problem with modern laptop is lack of serial connectivity - in the old days you had serial/parallel and other connectors, but then the manufacturers decided to have a universal standard for connectivity and they came out with USB - thus you can connect anything with a standard connection - therefore the modern laptops are equipped with USB ports and no serial ports.