okay. where do i start. I'm trying to Mod/Flash my Motorola SLVR L7. I have the two programs need (P2KTools & RSD Lite 3.4) and the Motorola Modem Driver. I installed all three of them. When i start P2kTool in AT Mode the phone is picked up. when i swtich to P2K mode the phone is disconnected. When i run RDS Lite 3.4 and install the Motorola Modem Driver i do not have the File, therefore the Phone is not picked up in either the RSD Lite or the P2kTools. What is wrong? did i do sumthin wrong? i followed the Tutorials i have found. please help me out. I want to delete the preset ringtones/skins in the my phone. please id anyone knows how to fix this and get it working please let me know and reply. thank you so much.