Please please help!!!

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by zombieguy, Sep 16, 2004.

  1. zombieguy

    zombieguy Member

    Sep 16, 2004
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    Hello. I have read through alot of posts here, but im relatively new to alot of this technical stuff.
    I recently downloaded a game, and the files i received are shown here.

    What do I do in order to get this game up and running? And how do I burn the game to a cd so that I can install it on my girlfriends PC??
    Please help, this is confusing me loads.
  2. aldaco12

    aldaco12 Active member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    It seems you have four discs (Sims2_1,Sims2_2,Sims2_3,Sims2_4) wtitten either in the sims_#.BIN/.IMG form either on the .CCD/.IMG form. Sincer the files sims2_#.SUB are missing, you have no subchannels data and you can burn it with the program you like (Nero and CDRWin for the .BIN/.CUE sets and CloneCD or Alcohol 120% for the .CCD/.IMG sets. It you had had the .SUB data the image would be complete with subchannels data and you should have used the most advanced programs (Alcohol 120%, Clone CD).

    You can print the .JPG cover to have the CD Cover, the manuals can be printed using Acrobat, the subtitle or the MSInfo document files I cannot understand them because have no extension but no problem should occur.

    Only, there's a problem. Sims2_3.IMG and Sims2_4.IMG are too small for being a disc image.
    They are 0 kb large instead of being hundreds of megabytes like sims2_1.img) ans sims2_2.img seems to be slightly small (183 MB is a little small for a game which needs 4 discs unless there's a bug and only 2 discs are needed by the game. I never that game so I don't know. From the .JPG cover do you have some info about how discs are in the original game? Opening sims2 - the MSInfo Document - with Notepad, do you have some clue about it?
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Read forum rules![/small]
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2004
  3. zombieguy

    zombieguy Member

    Sep 16, 2004
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    Im a bit confused. When I usually download games, I just use Nero-Burning Rom, and select File\Burn Image. Then I burn the .cue files.

    The files you saw werent fully downloaded, It was just about done.

    Do I just use nero burning rom to burn the image of each .cue file according to CD number, like I'd do for any other game?? Or do I have to do other things with the other files (.img .ccd etc) to make this game work?

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