Please read and give mature opinions, this is a touchy issue.

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by venomX05, May 15, 2007.

  1. venomX05

    venomX05 Regular member

    Jan 18, 2005
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    On our local radio station "Elliot in the Morning," Elliot was talking about a particular news story out of Knoxville. When he read the story, he posed the question as to why this hasn't hit mainstream media. I myself have sent a response to him about why it hasn't, but I would like to know all of your opinions on this matter and to find out WHY in the world it is so biased.

    Here is the story:

    This is a very sad case so bear with the details.
    Last edited: May 15, 2007
  2. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    I don't agree with the notion that it didn't receive media attention because the guilty parties are black. Yes, the Lacross players received a lot of media attention but that was because they were wealthy and considered to be the "privileged" class who can do anything they damned well please because their money can buy them out. What was done by the media to them was aweful. But lets not forget that black celebrities have made the news for the same reasons as the while lacross players. We all remember the O.J. trial. Diana Ross for he DWIs, the british model Naomi Campbell was constantly in the news for being sentenced to do janitorial work. Personally, I believe its a matter of wealth or celebrity more than race.
  3. mikeismad

    mikeismad Regular member

    Feb 19, 2007
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    to an extent here i agree with you, but what about the mother in texas that hung herself and her children? she wasnt wealthy. in fact she lived in an old dilapidated trailer but she has been all over the news here. (North Carolina)
  4. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Well, I haven't heard of it but you make a good point. Still, I wonder how much it has to do with a story being "newsworthy" ... we recently had a murder/suicide here in Philly ... killed his wife, two kids and then himself but that did make the news here. Here in Philly, anyway, things only make the news if there is something unusual or extraordinary about them. Regardless of race, murders don't even make the paper here anymore unless there is an unusual element to them. Sometimes, I don't understand media coverage at all. Take that Scott Peterson guy in CA who was found guilty of killing his pregnant wife: he wasn't a celebrity of any kind...he was a fertilizer salesman. Why did that capture national attention for months on end when there is stuff far worse that goes on in every city in the U.S. on a daily basis? Why did this Scott Peterson guy and his "mundane" murder (for lack of a better term) get such intense media coverage for so long and captivate the american public so? (I don't claim to have the answer) but who gets the media attention and why is indeed a phenomenon I don't understand.
  5. mikeismad

    mikeismad Regular member

    Feb 19, 2007
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    the media is very strange and i agree with you 100 percent. its just so sad that someone would do the things that they are doing to people. its one thing to kill someone in self defense, but to go out and intentionally murder someone is just sickening.

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