I just bought this drive and I can't seem to get it to burn faster than 1x. It will read and play a dvd but I can't seem to back up anything. I have never used a serial ATA drive before, is this a common problem with type of drive or am I doing something stupid. If anyone has any Ideas I am open to all input.
Thanks for the reply, I think my problem is more in the area of driver conflict or something software. Dma is active. Does the fact that its a serial ata drive have any thing to do with my problem?
Try to uninstall and then reinstall the drive maybe that will help. Its a fresh drive probably with the latest firmware version...still might want to check if there is an updated one out there. I'm wondering if that drive is one of the first SATA DVD writers to hit the streets, cuz if it is, it might have a few bugs that need to get worked out.
Thanks for the info. I did what you suggested 3 times it took to finally get it to burn. It does not like alot of media, only Verb 16x and Ty. You were also right about it being a new drive, it just came out last week. There is no firmware upgrades on Plextors web site. Thanks for the help.