- hmmm, as far as i'm aware it's not out for a few weeks - EDIT OUT that serial number. i'd say it'd be stolen but as i say, Nero 7's not officially put as far as i'm aware [12:47:01] NeroVision Nero API version:[/quote] - hmmm, as far as i'm aware it's not out for a few weeks [12:47:01] NeroVision Recorder: <TOSHIBA CD/DVDW SDR5372V>Version: TU11[/quote] - hmmm, the correct link for your drive (Toshiba SDR5372V) shows the latest firmware to be BA13, though there's also a Toshiba SDR5372 (without the 'V') link there showing TU56 to be the latest firmware. I don't know which one you should use, hopefully someone else will pop by and know which one to recommend - i assume the burner is either external, in a USB enclosure or similar ? - wow, i have 1GB and i never have less than 600MB free prior to any burns. make sure you close down more programs prior to any dvd work - as Nero 7 is not out yet i haven't seen too many of the error codes. - i suspect the firmware needs updating and the Ritek media you're using to be ok - most people recommend 4x max for dvd work - remove Roxio, it doesn't play well with Nero. you may have to google search for Roxio Zapper to fully remove Roxio