ok so everytime i get a movie the picture is kinda dark never really looks at its best and audio kinda is off and aldoes anyone know of a program i can enhance the video quality and sound to make it look better..plz any help would be greatly aapeciated thanx in advance
soory for the mis spelling heres what i meant ok so everytime i get a movie the picture is kinda dark never really looks at its best and audio kinda is off and all....does anyone know of a program i can enhance the video quality and sound to make it look better?..plz any help would be greatly aapeciated thanx in advance
Only advice I can give is 'acquire' your movies from a better source. There isn't really much you can do with ones that are dark or have bad audio.
Are you sure it isn't something to do with the settings on the dvd player or on your tv? Rtm is right, if you are copying or downloading inferior product (e.g. cams/telesync) you'll never be able to get them looking good.
Though you'll never get it to look like a DVD, you could try a program called AVIdemux. A quick Google search will give you plenty of filter add-ons that you can use on your video, from simple Brightness/Contrast to Color Correction to de-interlacing - the list goes on and on. Each filter should have a good explanation (depending on what site you go to to get it) as to what it does. AVIdemux will also help with audio sync issues, as well. Don't expect miracles, though. You know what they say about trying to polish a turd.